Mikko Närhi (TUT) won the Airmodus GoNano Challenge 2016.
Read more about his challenge entry and measurements in our newsletters November 2016 and May 2017.
Do you think measuring 1 nm aerosol particles is important?
Yes, we think so too!
Do you think nano particles will change our future?
Yes, we agree also on that one!
Let’s make the importance of nano particles known. Participate the Airmodus GoNano challenge.
You can win surprise gifts from Finland and
realise your vision of the most important nano measurements
by using the A11 nCNC system for 2 months!
by using the A11 nCNC system for 2 months!
To participate, perform these two steps:
- Tell the world (or just the Jury) why you think measuring nano sized aerosol particles is important and how the nano particles and your research will change the world.
Use your imagination doing so! You can e.g. draw a picture, take a photo, make a video (max 2 min), write a poem, draw the most amazing flow chart, write a statement,…
and post it on the GoNano Facebook site*) at facebook.com/AirmodusGoNano/ with #GoNano or send it to gonano@airmodus.com. This part of your challenge entry is public unless you want us to keep it a secret. If you do not want others to see your entry please email it to us and clearly state that it is intended for the GoNano Jury only.
*)Facebook is not involved in this competition.
- Write a short introduction on how you would use the A11 nCNC system to study nano particles that are important for you. Use a title that describes the highlight, but does not contain any confidential aspects of your research (Please note: the title of the winner will be published). Then write the introduction using max 1000 words and send you text as pdf to gonano@airmodus.com. The introduction itself will not be published, unless you want us to do so. Please include your name and contact information as well as the address of the university / institute / company you work for.
The winner of the A11 nCNC use will be selected by the GoNano Jury, but You will be the judge of the entries to win the surprise presents.
The GoNano Jury has the power to define the criteria used to select the winner. The members of the GoNano Jury are:
- Professor Hanna Vehkamäki, Chair of the Jury
Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Department of Physics
University of Helsinki, Finland - Professor Lidia Morawska
Director, International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health (WHO CC for Air Quality and Health)
Director – Australia, Australia – China Centre for Air Quality Science and Management
Queensland University of Technology, Australia - Professor Ilona Riipinen
Deputy head of unit,
Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry (ACES) & Bolin Center for Climate Research, Stockholm University, Sweden - Secretary of the Jury: Minna Väkevä, PhD, CEO, Airmodus Oy
You can start submitting your challenge entries starting the 20th of June 2016, and the GoNano challenge closes on October the 31st 2016 at midnight Finnish time.
It pays off to submit early: starting from the 15th of July, on the 15th day of each month, the piece of art posted on the Facebook site that has gained most likes by your fellow researchers since the previous check point, will be awarded with a surprise gift (you can expect fun pieces of Finnish design or delicacies). A surprise gift will also be awarded for the entry that gathers most likes during the whole challenge (20th of June – 31st of October).
The winner of the challenge will be announced on the 15th of November 2016.
The winner will have the chance to use the Airmodus A11 nCNC system for two months. Airmodus will cover the costs of transporting the A11 nCNC to your home laboratory and will provide tutoring on how to use the system. The winner will need to sign an agreement to commit to taking good care of the instrument (the agreement will also address liability issues etc). All measured data will belong to the winner:
You do the science, we will do our very best to help you gain your scientific goals!
If you want to ask questions about the challenge, please contact Airmodus personnel or email gonano@airmodus.com